Automatic Test System Knowledge Base


Upload Content

Welcome to the Upload Content Page.
On this page you can add a new file or url to the repository that relates to any of the topics covered.

To Upload a Reference:

  • Select whether the reference to be uploaded is an URL or a file. This will present different options based on the selection
  • If the reference is an URL you will need to enter a valid into the allocated box. Valid URLS are deemed to start with http:// or https://
  • If the reference is a file you must select the file to be uploaded and choose whether its access is restricted (not currently in use)
  • Assign a title to the reference , this can help identify a reference quickly
  • Provide a brief description about the reference, this may help other users find the contents they are looking for.
  • Enter the date the reference was first used/created, this can help other users get and indication of it's relevance to current standards
  • Enter some keywords for the reference (not currently in use)
  • If the reference is a file please select the directory to upload it to. If no relevant directories are listed you can create a new one or use the 'Miscellaneous' directory found under Projects.
  • You can then select which pages you wish the reference to be linked to, for each of these links add a brief description about why it is relevant to that page. If you make a mistake and have already pressed 'Add Page' you can either delete the link or edit it to make ammendments.
What type of reference is being uploaded?:
Please select a file to upload:
(Pending)Restricted Access? :
Please enter the Reference URL:
* Please enter a display name for the reference:
Please enter a description for the reference:
* Please enter the date this was reference was first used/created (dd/mm/yyyy) : Day: Month: Year:                    
Please enter some keywords for the reference (seperate with a ,):
* Please select the primary area for the reference:
* Please select the sub topic for the reference:
Please select a page the reference links to:
Please enter a description for the page link:
The refrence will be shown on the following pages:
No pages have been linked