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IEEE 1641 Papers

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The content below will provide you access to all of the Papers that cover IEEE 1641, some of which may have been presented at AutoTestCon.
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Reference Title Reference Link Reference information Reference Date
Digital Busses Design Templates V 1-3

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Aims to provide design templates suitable for 1641 signals and ATMl to capture bus messages and specifications. Presented at the Nov CATS4D 2021-2 Meeting

CATS4D 2015-2 AC Signal Example

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Discusses creating 1641 signals for ATLAS

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An example of an AC signal. Supports the November 2015 CATS4D Meeting

Bus Testing in a Modern Era

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The paper aims to identify if the existing IEEE 1641 and ATML test standards have the depth and required flexibility to meet the full range of bus testing requirements of our modern systems.

Using an FPGA based system for IEEE 1641 waveform generation

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A paper on using an FPGA based system for IEEE 1641 waveform generation

Measurement in IEEE 1641

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A paper on measurement in IEEE 1641 and its application in a CASS TSF library

Implementing IEEE 1641 Amplifier Characterisation

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Presentation on Implementing IEEE 1641 - Amplifier Characterisation on Multiple Test Platforms

Implementing IEEE 1641 - Compliation Techniques

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Presentation on Implementing IEEE 1641 - Compilation Techniques

Physical signals, events and digital streams

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Physical signals, events and digital streams - Their relationship and how they affect SignalFunctions in IEEE 1641

Managing 1641 Transition Via ATLAS Systems

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A paper on managing the transition to IEEE 1641 via ATLAS Based Systems

Implementing IEEE 1641 - Compilation Techniques

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A paper on implementing IEEE 1641 - Compilation Techniques (to IVI Driver Code)

Implementing IEEE 1641 - Amplifier Characterisation

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A paper on implementing IEEE 1641 - Amplifier Characterisation on Multiple Test Platforms

IEEE 1641 - A Revised Signal And Test Definition

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A paper on IEEE 1641 - A revised signal and test definition

Digital Signals in IEEE 1641 and ATML

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Digital Signal in IEEE 1641 and ATML - fact or fiction

IEEE 1641 - A Revised Signal and Test Definition Standard

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This paper discusses the changes and improvements incorporated within the revised draft standard and identifies how this standard as been integrated into other test standards, such as ATML. Written in 2009 for AutoTestCon.

Digital Signals in IEEE 1641 and ATML

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Digital Signals in IEEE 1641 and ATML - fact or fiction. The paper discusses the rational and benefits behind the recent MoD demonstration, using a fully compliant IEEE 1641 test system for both digital and analogue test programs, in line with the MoD ATS. Written for the 2009 AutoTestCon.

State of IEEE Std 1641 and UK MOD Policy

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A paper on the state of IEEE Std 1641 Standard, Application and UK MOD Policy.

Implementing IEEE 1641 - A Complete System

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A paper on implementing IEEE 1641 - A complete system

Implementing IEEE 1641 - Resource Drivers & COTS

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A paper on implementing IEEE 1641 - Resource Drivers and COTS languages.

RAI Role Within IEEE 1641 And ATML

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A paper on RAI's role within IEEE 1641 and ATML

Implementing IEEE 1641 - Resource Drivers & COTS

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A paper on Implementing IEEE 1641- Resources Drivers and COTS languages

Implementing 1641 - RF Stimulus And Measurement

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A paper on implementing IEEE 1641 - RF Stimulus and Measurement

IEEE Std 1641 And The ATS Framework Elements

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A paper on IEEE Std 1641 and the DoD ATS Framework Elements

Implementing IEEe 1641 - A Demo of Portability

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A paper on implementing IEEE 1641 - A demonstration of portability

A Review of Signal Based Measurement

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A review of signal based measurement for both traditional and synthetic instrumentation utilising IEEE 1641 definitions

PC Based IEEE Std Synthesis Enhanced

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PC Based IEEE Std Synthesis, Enhanced through Dedicated Devices

Implementing Architecture for 1641 using IVI

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Implementing Architecture for IEEE Standard P1641 - Signal and Test Definition using IVI Technologies

PC based, IEEE S&T Desc Std, Synthetic Instruments

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A paper on PC based IEEE Signal & Test Description Standard, Synthetic Instruments
