Automatic Test System Knowledge Base
Welcome to the Automatic Test System (ATS) Knowledge Base. The ATS is an online repository for all the materials related to test standards.
For convenience the Knowledge Base has been split into domains, each domain covering a different aspect of test standards from the standards in use to category groupings, such as training materials.
Within these domains you can find an overview which details what the domain covers, including links to the subpages.
All of the materials presented on these pages will be available for download should you wish to view the contents offline.
Upload Content - Add new files and links here
Add Directory - Create a new directory folder for uploaded content
Provides access to the current ATS standards including reports & demonstrations.
Provide access to ATML material including content from the current ATML site, in addition to any reports, presentations and training packages that have been created to assist users.
IEEE 1641
Provides assistance to users of the standard in the form of detailed explanations and example of the use and implementation of the standard.
Provides access to OSA-RTS standards including skills packages ,reports, presentations and demonstrations that have been created to assist users.
Proivdes access to the projects related to Test Standards
Provides access to all training materials for each of the standards.
Provides access to the Uploaded content, Tasks, Meetings, Training, Projects, AutoTestCon Papers, Standards, Upload & Add Directory pages