Automatic Test System Knowledge Base



Welcome to the AutoTestCon page.
A lot of the content found on this page will be the papers that have been written about the various test standards. Alongside these papers you are also likely to find any supporting material that was also presented, such as reports or presentations.
If you would like to upload any materials that you may have presented at an AutoTestCon, please use the Upload a File page and follow the on screen instructions.

Reference Title Reference Link Reference information Reference Date
6a-0. Ion Neag - Intro 2022 ATC Panel

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Intro 2022 ATC Panel

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CATS4D - Intro 2022 ATC Panel

6b-9. Eric Gould - Standards-Based Digital Thread (updated 2)

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Standards-Based Digital Thread

Reference Summary:

CATS4D - Standards-Based Digital Thread

Model-Based Diagnostic & Test Engineering using Digital Thread

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A Link to the Video of the Model-Based Diagnostic & Test Engineering using Digital Thread presentation from Raytheon (RTX) presented at AutoTestCon on October 11th

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A Link to the Video of the Model-Based Diagnostic & Test Engineering using Digital Thread presentation from Raytheon (RTX) presented at AutoTestCon on October 11th

Model-Based Diagnostic and Test Engineering using Digital Thread.mp4

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Model-Based Diagnostic and Test Engineering using Digital Thread.mp4 - A link to the video presented at AutoTestCon by Raytheon RTX on 11,10,2022

Reference Summary:

Model-Based Diagnostic and Test Engineering using Digital Thread.mp4 - A link to the video presented at AutoTestCon by Raytheon (RTX) on 11,10,2022

OSA-RTS End to End Demonstration (AutoTestCon 2021 Presentation)

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This presentation from AutoTestCon 2021 describes the OSA-RTS End to End Demonstration, with reference to the ATML UUT description and the ATML Test Description

Spherea Testability Presentation

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This presentation from AutoTestCon 2020 describes Spherea's Testability suite of tools and services.

Test Standards - Operational Performance

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Using test standards to help predict and monitor operational performance Presentation

A .Net Fluent Interface for Signal-Oriented Test Programming

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Chris Gorringe, Ion Neag This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2017, Schaumburg, IL

Reference Summary:

This paper describes an innovative software interface design in support of signal-oriented test programming. The design makes use of modern Domain Specific Language (DSL) concepts and advanced C# language features to create an interface with excellent usability features and low implementation overhead

Maximising Diagnostic Performance (presentation)

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Chris Gorringe, Malcolm Brown This was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2017, Schaumburg, IL

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Signal Model Library (presentation)

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Chris Gorringe, Ion Neag This was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2017, Schaumburg, IL

Reference Summary:

Building a Library of Signal Models to support modern test platforms and legacy ATLAS TPSs

Maximising Diagnostic Performance

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Chris Gorringe, Malcolm Brown This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2017, Schaumburg, IL

Reference Summary:

Signal Model Library (paper)

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Chris Gorringe, Ion Neag This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2017, Schaumburg, IL

Reference Summary:

This paper describes the recent best practice guidelines incorporated into the IEEE Std 1641.1 amendment, to both help users with the techniques to develop their own signal models for their test systems, but also using the ATLAS as a comprehensive source of material, how to map traditional ATLAS NOUNS and Modifiers into reusable TSF libraries, for incorporation into tools and ATE platform as test capabilities.

Solution for Through-Life Support

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This was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2015, National Harbour, MD

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ATML COTS Demo (Short)

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Chris Gorringe, Michael Malesich, Ion Neag, Craig De Paul &Anand Jain This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2015, National Harbour, MD

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TSF Best Practices

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Chris Gorringe, Malcolm Brown This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2013, Schaumburg, IL

Reference Summary:

The paper considers research into the effects of different methods that could be used for matching the TSFs used in describing UUT test requirements and instrument capabilities. This includes evaluation of their relative merits using a variety of “use cases” and example TSFs. Typical User questions are also considered along with their answers.

OSA Labview (paper)

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Chris Gorringe, Anand Jain This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2013, Schaumburg, IL

Reference Summary:

This paper identifies the architectural components necessary for implementing the MOD’s Open System Architecture Runtime System (OSA-RTS) using the LabVIEW graphical environment for communication with the test equipment.

Experiences in Replacing Obsolete Spectrum Analyser as part of an ATE uplift program

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Chris Gorringe This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2013, Schaumburg, IL

Reference Summary:

The paper explains the pit falls and issues, which can be experienced when supporting legacy equipment and replacing an obsolete established instrument with a modern fully functional top of the range totally superior replacement, and the problems you can still, run into

Bus Testing in a Modern Era

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Chris Gorringe This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2013, Schaumburg, IL

Reference Summary:

The paper aims to identify if the existing IEEE 1641 and ATML test standards have the depth and required flexibility to meet the full range of bus testing requirements of our modern systems.

Experminetal Applications of Automatic Test Markup Language

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Chris Gorringe, Chatwin A. Lansdowne & Patrick McCartney This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2012, Anaheim, CA

Reference Summary:

The authors describe challenging use-cases for Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML), and evaluate solutions.

An open Source S/W Framework for the Implementation of an OSA RTS

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Matt Cornish, Malcolm Brown, Anand Jain & Teresa Lopes This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTON 2012, Anaheim, CA

Reference Summary:

This paper presents the outcome of a UK MoD sponsored development effort to provide a suite of source code that will be made available to contractors employed in the provision of test system software to the MoD and coalition partners

A Practical Use for ATML Capabilities

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A paper on the practical use for ATML capabilities. This paper considers what is required to automate the selection of instrumentation through the use of capability descriptions. Written for the 2011 AutoTestCon

A Practical Use for ATML Capabilities

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2011, Baltimore, MD

Reference Summary:

A paper that discusses a practical use for ATML capabilities.

An Overview of the ATML Family and Related Standards

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2011, Baltimore, MD

Reference Summary:

A paper overviewing the ATML family and related standards detailing their status as of September 2011

ATML TPS Management

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A paper on the use of ATML in managing TPS developments and life cycle maintenance. Written for the 2010 AutoTestCon

ATML Completed Status

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A paper written on the completed status of ATML , written for the 2010 AutoTestCon

The Use of ATML in Managing TPS Developments and Life Cycle Maintenance

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2010, Orlando, FL

Reference Summary:

A paper on the use of ATML in managing TPS developments and life cycle maintenance

ATML Completion Status

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2010, Orlando, FL

Reference Summary:

A paper on ATML's completion status

Using an FPGA based system for IEEE 1641 waveform generation

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2010, Orlando, FL

Reference Summary:

A paper on using an FPGA based system for IEEE 1641 waveform generation

Measurement in IEEE 1641

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2010, Orlando, FL

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A paper on measurement in IEEE 1641 and its application in a CASS TSF library

Implementing IEEE 1641 Amplifier Characterisation

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Presentation on Implementing IEEE 1641 - Amplifier Characterisation on Multiple Test Platforms

Implementing IEEE 1641 - Compliation Techniques

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Presentation on Implementing IEEE 1641 - Compilation Techniques

Digital Signals in IEEE 1641 and ATML

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2009, Anaheim, CA

Reference Summary:

Digital Signal in IEEE 1641 and ATML - fact or fiction

Implementing IEEE 1641 - Compilation Techniques

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2009, Anaheim, CA

Reference Summary:

A paper on implementing IEEE 1641 - Compilation Techniques (to IVI Driver Code)

Implementing IEEE 1641 - Amplifier Characterisation

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2009, Anaheim, CA

Reference Summary:

A paper on implementing IEEE 1641 - Amplifier Characterisation on Multiple Test Platforms

IEEE 1641 - A Revised Signal And Test Definition

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2009, Anaheim, CA

Reference Summary:

A paper on IEEE 1641 - A revised signal and test definition

Physical signals, events and digital streams

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2009, Anaheim, CA

Reference Summary:

Physical signals, events and digital streams - Their relationship and how they affect SignalFunctions in IEEE 1641

ATML Demonstration - Readiness For use Paper

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2009, Anaheim, CA

Reference Summary:

A paper written for the 2009 AutoTestCon on the ATML demonstration and its readiness for use.

Managing 1641 Transition Via ATLAS Systems

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2009, Anaheim, CA

Reference Summary:

A paper on managing the transition to IEEE 1641 via ATLAS Based Systems

Physical signals, events and digital streams

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Reference Summary:

Physical signals, events and digital streams. Their relationship and how they affect Signal Functions in IEEE 1641. Written for the 2009 AutoTestCon

IEEE 1641 - A Revised Signal and Test Definition Standard

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Reference Summary:

This paper discusses the changes and improvements incorporated within the revised draft standard and identifies how this standard as been integrated into other test standards, such as ATML. Written in 2009 for AutoTestCon.

ATML Demonstration - Readiness for USe

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Discusses the Phase 2 of the ATML Demonstration. Written for the 2009 AutoTestCon.

ATML Completed Status - What Happens Next

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Discusses the rational behind each of the ATML components. Provides an explanation of how each companion 'dot' standard relates to each other, how they can be used as standalone and their current status.Written for the 2009 AutoTestCon

Digital Signals in IEEE 1641 and ATML

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Reference Summary:

Digital Signals in IEEE 1641 and ATML - fact or fiction. The paper discusses the rational and benefits behind the recent MoD demonstration, using a fully compliant IEEE 1641 test system for both digital and analogue test programs, in line with the MoD ATS. Written for the 2009 AutoTestCon.

State of IEEE Std 1641 and UK MOD Policy

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2008, Salt Lake City, UT and was awarded the David M Goodman Award for Best Paper on a Management Topic

Reference Summary:

A paper on the state of IEEE Std 1641 Standard, Application and UK MOD Policy.

Implementing IEEE 1641 - A Complete System

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2008, Salt Lake City, UT

Reference Summary:

A paper on implementing IEEE 1641 - A complete system

Implementing IEEE 1641 - Resource Drivers & COTS

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2008, Salt Lake City, UT

Reference Summary:

A paper on implementing IEEE 1641 - Resource Drivers and COTS languages.

RAI Role Within IEEE 1641 And ATML

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2008, Salt Lake City, UT

Reference Summary:

A paper on RAI's role within IEEE 1641 and ATML

IEEE Std 1641 and the DoD ATS Framework elements

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Reference Summary:

IEEE Std 1641 and the DoD ATS Framework elements. AutoTestCon 2006 paper references as an archive. The paper highlights where IEEE Std 1641 - 2004 fits into the existing DoD ATS framework elements. It identifies criteria for categorizing the affected elements and shows how the IEEE 1641 Signal & Test Definition standard augments other standards such as ATML to enable an architecture that helps fulfill the ATS framework.

RAI's Role within IEEE 1641 and ATML

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A paper on RAI's role within IEEE 1641 and ATML

ATML and 'dot' Standards Status

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Reference Summary:

Provides an overview of the ATML and 'dot' Standards status.

IEEE 1641 Signal Modeling As A Learning Aid

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2007, Baltimore, MD

Reference Summary:

A paper on IEEE 1641 Signal Modeling as a learning aid.

ATML Capabilities Explained

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2007, Baltimore, MD

Reference Summary:

A paper explaining ATML's capabilities, written for the 2007 AutoTestCon

Signal Modelling as a Learning Aid

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This paper shows how a modelling tool for IEEE Std 1641 (Signal & Test Definition) was able to assist the engineer to gain the necessary knowledge to make a valid assessment.

Current ATML Standards Status

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Provides an overview of the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) test information interchange standards known collectively as Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML)

ATML Capabilities Explained

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Reference Summary:

A paper on ATML capabilities explained. Written for the 2007 AutoTestCon

Implementing 1641 - RF Stimulus And Measurement

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2006, Anaheim, CA

Reference Summary:

A paper on implementing IEEE 1641 - RF Stimulus and Measurement

How Standards Can Realise A Common Test Platform

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2006, Anaheim, CA

Reference Summary:

How international standards can realise a common test platform.

IEEE Std 1641 And The ATS Framework Elements

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2006, Anaheim, CA

Reference Summary:

A paper on IEEE Std 1641 and the DoD ATS Framework Elements

Making OSA on a Common Test Platform a Reality

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Reference Summary:

How international standards such as ATML and IEEE 1741 can make the realisation of an open system architecture on a common test platform a reality.

Implementing IEEE 1641 - A Demo of Portability

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Reference Summary:

A paper on implementing IEEE 1641 - A demonstration of portability. Written for the 2005 AutoTestCon.

Deploying Support Forward

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Reference Summary:

Deploying Support Forward - Bringing Deep Test Capability to Forward Areas

Implementing IEEe 1641 - A Demo of Portability

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2005, Orlando, FL

Reference Summary:

A paper on implementing IEEE 1641 - A demonstration of portability

A Review of Signal Based Measurement

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2005, Orlando, FL

Reference Summary:

A review of signal based measurement for both traditional and synthetic instrumentation utilising IEEE 1641 definitions

PC Based IEEE Std Synthesis Enhanced

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2004, San Antonio, TX

Reference Summary:

PC Based IEEE Std Synthesis, Enhanced through Dedicated Devices

An Artificial Neural Network Architecture

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2004, San Antonio, TX

Reference Summary:

A paper written on an artificial neural network architecture for application in general diagnostics. Written for 2004 AutoTestCon

Implementing Architecture for 1641 using IVI

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2004, San Antonio, TX

Reference Summary:

Implementing Architecture for IEEE Standard P1641 - Signal and Test Definition using IVI Technologies

PC based, IEEE S&T Desc Std, Synthetic Instruments

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2003, Anaheim, CA

Reference Summary:

A paper on PC based IEEE Signal & Test Description Standard, Synthetic Instruments

UUT Test Requirements Capture

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2002, Huntsville, AL

Reference Summary:

UUT Test Requirements Capture in any language you like...and still compliant with IEEE 1641

Synthesis Of Complex Signals

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2002, Huntsville, AL

Reference Summary:

Synthesis of Complex Signals.

Modelling Complex Signals Using BSC

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2002, Huntsville, AL

Reference Summary:

Modelling complex signals using basic signal components.

Synthesis of Complex Signals on Test Equipment

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Reference Summary:

Draws upon IEEE standard SDTD (Signal Definition and Test Description) standard to utilize common components and interfacing techniques and shows how a single test description can be used for both simulation and execution.

ATC 2002 Test Pro paper

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Reference Summary:

A paper on UUT test requirements capture in any language you like.. and still compliant with the IEEE Signal and Test Description Standard for the 2002 AutoTestCon

A2K - The Framework for Signals

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This paper was presented at IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2001, Philadelphia, PA

Reference Summary:

ATLAS2k - The Framework for Precise and Extensible Signal Descriptions in Modern ATS. A summary of the ATLAS2k IEEE Standard
