Automatic Test System Knowledge Base


Automatic Test System

Provides access to the materials relating to Automatic Test Systems (ATS) including the DoD's ATS Framework. This includes the reports, presentations, training packages and papers that have been written on the subject and includes tasking required by the MoD to cover particular aspects. Any links to materials will be available for download as a pdf.


Provides access to the ATS CDET materials.

ATS Framework

Provides access to the materials associated to the DoD's ATS Framework.

ATS Papers

Provides access to the papers that have been written about ATS, some of which will have been produced for AutoTestCon.

ATS Presentations

Provides access to any presentatons that discuss ATS, many of these have been presented at AutoTestCon and standards meetings.

ATS Reports

Provides access to all of the reports written on ATS.