Welcome to the ATML Papers page. The content below will provide you access to all of the Papers that cover ATML,some of which may have been presented at AutoTestCon. The materials presented here will open in a new tab when the link is clicked. If you have any papers you would like to upload for ATML please use the Upload a File page and follow the on-screen instructions.
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Aims to provide design templates suitable for 1641 signals and ATMl to capture bus messages and specifications. Presented at the Nov CATS4D 2021-2 Meeting
The authors describe challenging use-cases for Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML), and evaluate solutions.
This paper presents the outcome of a UK MoD sponsored development effort to provide a suite of source code that will be made available to contractors employed in the provision of test system software to the MoD and coalition partners
A paper that discusses a practical use for ATML capabilities.
A paper on the practical use for ATML capabilities. This paper considers what is required to automate the selection of instrumentation through the use of capability descriptions. Written for the 2011 AutoTestCon
A paper overviewing the ATML family and related standards detailing their status as of September 2011
A paper on the use of ATML in managing TPS developments and life cycle maintenance
A paper on ATML's completion status
A paper written for the 2009 AutoTestCon on the ATML demonstration and its readiness for use.
Digital Signal in IEEE 1641 and ATML - fact or fiction
Discusses the Phase 2 of the ATML Demonstration. Written for the 2009 AutoTestCon.
Discusses the rational behind each of the ATML components. Provides an explanation of how each companion 'dot' standard relates to each other, how they can be used as standalone and their current status.Written for the 2009 AutoTestCon
Digital Signals in IEEE 1641 and ATML - fact or fiction. The paper discusses the rational and benefits behind the recent MoD demonstration, using a fully compliant IEEE 1641 test system for both digital and analogue test programs, in line with the MoD ATS. Written for the 2009 AutoTestCon.
A paper on RAI's role within IEEE 1641 and ATML
Provides an overview of the ATML and 'dot' Standards status.
A paper explaining ATML's capabilities, written for the 2007 AutoTestCon
Provides an overview of the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) test information interchange standards known collectively as Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML)
A paper on ATML capabilities explained. Written for the 2007 AutoTestCon